Overcoming the Necessary Evil of Serial Device Networks

Upgrading your legacy serial networking system can be a long and arduous undertaking. First, with the prevalence of IP-based technology, most junior software engineers are not familiar with RS-232/422/485 serial technology.

Second, even for engineers who have sufficient knowledge of serial networking, it is still very time-consuming to determine the baudrate a serial port uses. This usually means that engineers have to try all the different baudrates manually on the receiving devices until they find the right one.

Different data rates, formats, and handshaking? No problem with Moxa’s serial-to-fiber converter baudrate autosensing!

Many older devices lack the option to reconfigure baudrates, data formats, and handshaking in a legacy system. Moxa’s serial-to-fiber converters feature baudrate autosensing, providing plug-and-play connectivity with most serial devices.

Related Resources

RS-485 is a good choice for long-distance serial communication since using differential transmission cancels out the vast majority of the electromagnetic disturbances picked up by the RS-485 signal. A simple RS-485 network consists of one master and up to 32 slave devices. Since RS-485 uses half-duplex communication—that is, the same two wires are used for both transmission and reception—some means of controlling which side of the connection can transmit must be built into the system. In this article, we discuss the ADDC (Automatic Data Direction Control) concept and explain how it works.

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